I wrote an article for New Mexico Magazine on Santa Fe Style, which about killed me. I have the utmost respect for journalists. Their writing is so very different from fiction. Which is a sly way of saying it was VERY HARD for me and as a result for Tired Husband, too. Monday they are sending a photographer to my house. They want me to dress up in vintage Western clothing, which should be fun. Keeping the tiny greyhounds from biting, pooping, and or making a terrible racket should be the hardest part. I've been shopping for a few new togs on EBay. Not a lot of call for me to dress up, but I sure do enjoy it. My latest find was a mid-thigh length military coat that has beaded, fringed epaulets. I bought a yellow three tier skirt at Dillard's to go with it. My Old Gringop Golandritas will make a perfect complement. And speaking of Old Gringo...
Guess where I'm headed while in California next week? I'll tell you after I've been there and back. I am so excited to see where I'm going.
Reading: ARC of Cinthia Ritchie's first novel, Dolls Behaving Badly
Watching: Season 4 of Breaking Bad
Wondering: How my son is doing in Bethel, AK, where he is at his first job of being an RN (Winter is Coming)
Anticipating: My mom's upcoming 90th birthday, getting back to writing Owen's Daughter
Hoping: For some decent book sales so I can afford the tiny greyhounds, World Peace.
More later,