Otherwise, I've been busy writing a story for New Mexico Magazine on Santa Fe style. Apparently I have it. I've been trying to nail down the origins of Santa Fe style all week. Talk about complex. The influences come from all directions. Pueblo Indians traded with a variety of travelers. Then the Spanish arrived. In exchange for corn, beans, and pottery, the Indians received velvet. Westward ho, came from the East, and Victorian styles came along. That's a nutshell version of my very complicated story. Talking about it is a lot easier than writing about it.
In dog news, Rufous hasn't stolen much this week, but as he would be the first to tell you, the week isn't over yet. I'm trying to learn how to use the blog feature on my new website. I don't know if I'll write anything interesting here, other than random thoughts. Soon I'll head off to Arizona and California for a few book signings and then my mom's 90th birthday celebration. Put enough Mapsons in one room and you never know what will happen. There is a Duffy boat ride on the books, and Sprinkles cupcakes, I love the vanilla ones, and will report on that as it unfolds.
Here's what I'm reading: How the West Was Worn, JK Rowling's Casual Vacancy, and finished Blackberry Winter by Sarah Jio. Watching: Season 3 of Breaking Bad. Activity: Cleaning out closet, folding laundry, bidding on EBay vintage boots, jackets and checking my Amazon.com standing every 30 minutes.
Yours in Neuroses Galore,